Monday, June 2, 2014

Glad it's spring...not yet summer's spring! So happy it's finally here even though we've had some very chilly mornings in New England. I'm just happy it's not winter! It's also not summer yet and I'm happ about that too because once summer hits, it seems tofly by and before you know it, we're approaching winter again. Let's not rush that!
Glad we have spring to gear up our anticipation for summer, get the things done that summer days pull us from and that winter days didnt' allow. Glad there is green everywhere, that beautiful soft green that's only around in the spring.
Love all the new growth as the clutter of the winter storms is swept away by the new shoots sprouting out of the ground...and of course, a lot of dedicated yard work!
Declutter, grow...I'm paralleling that process as well. Are you? It's the perfect time for that before it's too hot. For me, I spent the winter learning and creating so that my new ideas could blossom in the spring. Luckily the timing worked out perfectly. My very first online course just got published this week! Yay!
I based it on my most requested seminar topic - Financial Literacy - from my Strategies for Success program. It's not a program for new couples - engaged, married or living together. It's all about the financial math you probably never learned in high school or college, math never learned until years later. Simple financial math we should all know - and teach our kids early and often.
I'm so thrilled it's finished, I'm going to give the course away for free for the first 50 people who sign up this first weekk. Feel free to check it out or share it while they last. Although it's directed towards new couples (45% of divorces are because of lack of money), there's plenty of information there that's perfect for you too. Click here for the link.
Keep enjoying every delicious moment of spring - every bud, every ray of sunshine, every warm breeze!
Til next time!
ps...I heard recently that if you start the day thinking something positive, it will set off the whole day in the right direction. How? When you don't even ant to get up? Say, "I love my life!" when your foot first hits the floor. Or do what I do. Set your ring tone to "Happy" from Pharrell Williams. Perfect!

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