1) Pick a word that will guide you for the year. Think about what you most want this year to be...and let your imagination help you come up with the word that's perfect. Then put that word
everywhere - on your phone, computer, bathroom mirror. I haven't completely decided on mine yet but I'm leaning towards "unstoppable".
Here's some suggestions to help you get started:
- confidence
- commitment
- sparkle
- believe
- smile
- shine
- trust
- harmony
- fearless
- hope
- patience
- joy
What will your word be?
2) Do the 365 Gratitude challenge. Use your cell phone to take a picture a day of one think you're grateful for. The act of looking and noticing gratitude will shift the way you live your life. I've got lots more of these that I will be sharing this Saturday as part of my Positively Saturday Winter Series in Warren, RI. This week is all about how to make the resolutions you make today last past the typical January 17 or Valentine's Day. A year from now you'll be proud of yourself for making the changes you always wanted.
Looks like the weather will be good too...grateful for that...I think I'll take a picture of the plowed road for my 365! :)
More info at http://PositivelySaturday.com

Happy 2014! Keep shining!
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