Sad to see the fabulous Jay Leno ending the Tonight Show next week...just because of his age (which is the same as mine). When you think of it, it makes no sense. He's number 1 and has been for years, he's kind to so many people, he looks out for his staff (one of the reasons he fought so hard to keep the show and why he took a huge pay cut to keep them on), he's helped so many others get started.
Imagine that you're the best at your job and make a lot of money for your company. What intelligent boss would fire you? It would be counterproductive. Jay already has a huge following including the 18 to 49 group AND the baby boomers, the biggest group of all.
The network execs want a younger person. They already had Jimmy Fallon under contract. Will they get more viewers? Probably not. Younger people can watch Jimmy Fallon now already. What sense did it make to get rid of Jay? Plus they tend to stay up later which matches Jimmy Fallon's time slot. For those who want someone younger - the two Jimmy's are already there.
I'm a Jay Leno fan obviously - for many reasons including the fact that he's one of the nicest people I've ever met. I'm also a fan of doing the right thing, of treating people well whatever their age or financial status (for those who say he should leave because he's made enough money). We're taught to work hard, look out for others... he's done that and more. So kick him out? Don't like him? That's fine - don't watch. Think he's too old? Watch something else- Hulu, Netflix, YouTube.
I will miss you Jay. I'm sure Jimmy Fallon will do fine. He's very talented as is Seth Myers. I'm not sure I'll watch either...but I wish them both well. Although they'd better not do too well. That can get you fired!
Despite the differences all around us, we can all agree that life presents plenty of challenges. The good news is that there are strategies available to help us through not only the toughest times but also our daily challenges. This site will share research based strategies to positively enhance our lives.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Monday, January 13, 2014
Distracted driving - a story
Have you noticed lately how consumed everyone is with their own personal technology? I'm sitting at Panera typing this (my own technology - I know!) and noticed how many people have their heads down staring at their favorite device. We hardly know what anyone looks like anymore! More and more of us are in our own world and that is getting to be dangerous on several levels.
What I wanted to share today was from the standpoint of people wandering around parking lots. I can point to at least 2 times over the holidays that I almost hit someone while driving in a shopping area. One person was not looking at the cars at all because his head was focused on his phone. The other situation was someone dressed completely in black at night.
As drivers, we have a huge responsibility. It is our job to make sure no one is behind us when we back out of a space or nagivate the unregulated 'roads' in big shopping areas. Same is true even backing our of our own driveways. I live between two houses that have little boys who play together. They are usually with one of the parents but I'm especially careful just in case they're not. In fact, I've made the conscious choice to turn off my radio/CD/conversation while backing up wherever I am just to be sure I can hear if someone yells out
I admit to being a little more cautious than most because I had the terrible experience of actually hitting someone when I was 20 years old. An elderly man was standing in the middle of the road at night and although I was not speeding and in the correct lane, I hit him. He died 30 minutes later. Something like that stays with you a long time. Legally I was not at fault, but that didn't change the effect that tragedy had on me....and of course, on that man's family.
We're 13 days into the new year and perhaps some resolutions have gone by the wayside but I hope you might consider these two recommendations for 2014 and beyond: silence everything (and everyone) in the car when you back up (even if you have the back up camera) and stay off your technology when you are walking through parking lots. Both take little effort but are so worth the time it takes to do them. Be safe out there!
What I wanted to share today was from the standpoint of people wandering around parking lots. I can point to at least 2 times over the holidays that I almost hit someone while driving in a shopping area. One person was not looking at the cars at all because his head was focused on his phone. The other situation was someone dressed completely in black at night.
As drivers, we have a huge responsibility. It is our job to make sure no one is behind us when we back out of a space or nagivate the unregulated 'roads' in big shopping areas. Same is true even backing our of our own driveways. I live between two houses that have little boys who play together. They are usually with one of the parents but I'm especially careful just in case they're not. In fact, I've made the conscious choice to turn off my radio/CD/conversation while backing up wherever I am just to be sure I can hear if someone yells out
I admit to being a little more cautious than most because I had the terrible experience of actually hitting someone when I was 20 years old. An elderly man was standing in the middle of the road at night and although I was not speeding and in the correct lane, I hit him. He died 30 minutes later. Something like that stays with you a long time. Legally I was not at fault, but that didn't change the effect that tragedy had on me....and of course, on that man's family.
We're 13 days into the new year and perhaps some resolutions have gone by the wayside but I hope you might consider these two recommendations for 2014 and beyond: silence everything (and everyone) in the car when you back up (even if you have the back up camera) and stay off your technology when you are walking through parking lots. Both take little effort but are so worth the time it takes to do them. Be safe out there!
Thursday, January 9, 2014
"Set a goal to achieve
something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at
the same time. It must be a goal that is so appealing, so much in line with your
spiritual core, that you can't get it out of your mind. If you do not get chills
when you set a goal, your not setting big enough goals."
Bob Proctor
Bob Proctor
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Happy New Year!
1) Pick a word that will guide you for the year. Think about what you most want this year to be...and let your imagination help you come up with the word that's perfect. Then put that word
everywhere - on your phone, computer, bathroom mirror. I haven't completely decided on mine yet but I'm leaning towards "unstoppable".
Here's some suggestions to help you get started:
- confidence
- commitment
- sparkle
- believe
- smile
- shine
- trust
- harmony
- fearless
- hope
- patience
- joy
What will your word be?
2) Do the 365 Gratitude challenge. Use your cell phone to take a picture a day of one think you're grateful for. The act of looking and noticing gratitude will shift the way you live your life. I've got lots more of these that I will be sharing this Saturday as part of my Positively Saturday Winter Series in Warren, RI. This week is all about how to make the resolutions you make today last past the typical January 17 or Valentine's Day. A year from now you'll be proud of yourself for making the changes you always wanted.
Looks like the weather will be good too...grateful for that...I think I'll take a picture of the plowed road for my 365! :)
More info at

Happy 2014! Keep shining!
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