Monday, October 27, 2014

Time to get more positive and less stressed!

We are certainly living in negative times between the elections, medical fears and all the other things in the news.  For this edition, I'm going to share my solution - a 30 day program I created to help people step away from the effects of the negativity while getting stress under control for the holidays. 

Best way to share!  A fun video...check it out if you know anyone who could benefit from a huge dose of positivity, strategies that work for the whole family and a stress-free holiday season!  It all starts on November 1...spread the word!  And thanks!

Friday, September 5, 2014

The world needs your light...

I keep hearing people say the world is so dark lately. It is if you focus on the dark, if you watch every news broadcast, read every sad detail, talk about everything wrong with your life. 

But we can let in the light - we can in fact BE the light by focusing on what's good, what great things we want for our future and those we care about. I never knew this until a student one day called me "The Light" and told me I could never be out of class because how else would they shine? I told her we all have the light inside of us...ready to shine! All we need to do is flip the switch! 

So go out there and light your life! Shine, my friends, shine!! The world needs your light.